Become a Governor
Interested in becoming a governor?
Each of our governors contributes to the work of a school’s governing body in raising standards of achievement for all students, providing a strategic view and acting as a 'critical friend'.
Governors are skilled volunteers, wanting to support children and young people in their community. It's an opportunity to develop professional skills and experience, while building relationships and networks. Governors will ensure accountability for those involved in the running of the school and be accountable themselves for their decisions and actions.
At Learning Partners, we are always looking to further complement our teams of school governors and review trust board governance skills. We hope that you'll consider joining us by exploring the opportunities below.
Read our "School Governance" brochure for further information
How to join us as a school governor
Contact us via info@learningpartners.org for an informal chat and more information - we'd love to hear from you and talk through the opportunities for new governors at our trust schools.
How to join us as a trust board governor
Contact us via info@learningpartners.org or by emailing Julia Mason on JMason@learningpartners.org (Clerk to the Board of Trustees).
Whichever route you choose to take, we look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to our team.