Our Strategy
At Learning Partners Academy Trust our strategic aims and objectives are clear. As a multi-academy trust our aims reflect the needs of our individual schools and communities alongside the wider demands of the trust as a whole.
Our three-year strategic aims are simple - we want to:
- drive improvement
- develop talent, and
- remain a resilient organisation in a world of changing demands and pressures
Our core business is to drive school improvement. Our schools all have one key focus - our children. We strive to provide the very best education, ensuring excellent outcomes for our young people and providing the very best start in life for those we serve.
We recognise that we need to balance academic success, social engagement and personal development to deliver holistic benefit to our students. To facilitate this, we need to develop talent across our communities. Our staff, governors and trustees must be invested in and supported in their roles. This is vital to create more effective school communities for our children.
Alongside this we have to be resilient across our organisation. We recognise the demands placed on organisations of our size, in terms of sustainability - both environmental and economic. To prepare our young people for a future world we must cater for the needs of today and not undermine their tomorrow.
These strategic aims will ensure that we fulfil our vision of being leading schools where children thrive.
To achieve our strategic aims, our trustees have identified the strategic steps needed to deliver our goals. These strategic steps provide clarity and purpose to our work - they maintain our focus on what we want to deliver. Words without action will not deliver what our young people need, so our strategic steps give a more detailed breakdown of our direction and our ambitions. They show where we will prioritise our resources, focus our energy and how we will evaluate our success.
Strategic assessment and planning is conducted by our trustees and executed by our central and school teams. As a Trust we proudly utilise our ‘trust dozen’: 12 performance indicators by which we assess whether we are delivering for children. We clearly state our goals and evaluate ourselves against them regularly.
We wish to be judged by the difference that we make. The 'trust dozen' KPIs are our way of evaluating our success and examining our areas for development. They assist us in identifying where we are performing well and where our strategy may not be focused correctly in relation to the difference that we seek to make. Consequently we reflect, adjust and redirect resources to meet the needs of all of our children, staff and communities.
As an organisation we set out our way of working. This is underpinned by three founding principles of our purpose. We endeavour to:
- build our collaborative culture
- create conditions to excel, and
- advance learning while promoting quality
The image below illustrates the principles of our work that contribute to these foundation stones. We hold ourselves true to our values and ways of working in the delivery of our vision - to maintain outstanding educational institutions which deliver for children; leading schools where children thrive.