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Better together
10th June 2022
As a trust built on values, I have been delighted that recent weeks have seen us spending and benefitting from more time together, and time learning outside the classroom. Whether it was the return of residential visits for Year 4s at both Northmead and Pirbright, Gold Duke of Edinburgh trips to North Wales for Guilford County students, or moments of musical pride for Loseley Fields singers contributing to the young voices concert at the O2, spending time together, outside the classroom and involved in educational activities is wonderful to witness.
This is a hallmark of all our schools and is not only manifest in residential activities, but also sporting pursuits, with great George Abbot success in recent weeks and whole school events such as the recent pride week celebrations at Fullbrook. Our schools are inclusive communities which reach to everyone and provide opportunities and learning experiences in many forms.
This is central to our identity as individual schools and our trust as a whole. As such we were pleased to witness a collaborative learning experience for Year 2 and 3 pupils exploring science at Loseley fields before half term. Disadvantaged learners from Boxgrove, Loseley Fields, Northmead, Shalford and Stoughton gathered at Loseley Fields' (trust funded) Field Centre for a wonderfully enriching experience learning about microbiology, using microscopes and going on a journey exploring the fascinating world contained in a droplet of water squeezed from moss.
A richness to life and learning has resurfaced in our communities following the pandemic and I want to thank all our staff for going above and beyond to provide such experiences for our children. We really are seeing a world of opportunity being offered to our learners. Opportunities which enable them to thrive.
Equally pleasing for me was to take visitors from the Department of Education around our schools and show the excellent work at Guildford Grove and Kings. I was pleased to take Regional Schools Commissioner representative Gill Perkin and ESFA colleague Chris Volume around both schools before half term, spending time in classrooms and examining the high quality provision taking place in our schools. As always the children themselves spoke so well of their work, their learning and their communities; they really are our greatest asset.
It is not only our children which are benefitting from our time together, but also our staff. This week saw our annual writing moderation professional development group meet. Over 80 staff from across the trust and beyound met at Guildford Grove to learn from one another, accurately assess children’s work and share ideas and techniques for raising performance. My thanks to the Guildford Grove team for arranging such a feast of professional development!
These values are important to us. We are built on values. So much of life sometimes causes us to question the role of values in our modern life, yet at
Learning Partners we are built on values. Our recent trust video encapsulates this perfectly. The schools and the team have produced a fabulous snippet of film which makes us all proud. To view the film, please click on the image on the right of a pupil from Shalford Infants just about to perform an amazing cartwheel!
Anyone in education will tell you of the importance of values. Of role modelling to young people the things that matter in this world. We equip our children with the skills and knowledge to thrive in this modern world, but it is founded in values. A central value is our belief that we are better together
Jack Mayhew, CEO, Learning Partners
As a trust built on values, I have been delighted that recent weeks have seen us spending and benefitting from more time together, and time learning outside the classroom. Whether it was the return of residential visits for Year 4s at both Northmead and Pirbright, Gold Duke of Edinburgh trips to North Wales for Guilford County students, or moments of musical pride for Loseley Fields singers contributing to the young voices concert at the O2, spending time together, outside the classroom and involved in educational activities is wonderful to witness.
This is a hallmark of all our schools and is not only manifest in residential activities, but also sporting pursuits, with great George Abbot success in recent weeks and whole school events such as the recent pride week celebrations at Fullbrook. Our schools are inclusive communities which reach to everyone and provide opportunities and learning experiences in many forms.
This is central to our identity as individual schools and our trust as a whole. As such we were pleased to witness a collaborative learning experience for Year 2 and 3 pupils exploring science at Loseley fields before half term. Disadvantaged learners from Boxgrove, Loseley Fields, Northmead, Shalford and Stoughton gathered at Loseley Fields' (trust funded) Field Centre for a wonderfully enriching experience learning about microbiology, using microscopes and going on a journey exploring the fascinating world contained in a droplet of water squeezed from moss.
A richness to life and learning has resurfaced in our communities following the pandemic and I want to thank all our staff for going above and beyond to provide such experiences for our children. We really are seeing a world of opportunity being offered to our learners. Opportunities which enable them to thrive.
Equally pleasing for me was to take visitors from the Department of Education around our schools and show the excellent work at Guildford Grove and Kings. I was pleased to take Regional Schools Commissioner representative Gill Perkin and ESFA colleague Chris Volume around both schools before half term, spending time in classrooms and examining the high quality provision taking place in our schools. As always the children themselves spoke so well of their work, their learning and their communities; they really are our greatest asset.
It is not only our children which are benefitting from our time together, but also our staff. This week saw our annual writing moderation professional development group meet. Over 80 staff from across the trust and beyound met at Guildford Grove to learn from one another, accurately assess children’s work and share ideas and techniques for raising performance. My thanks to the Guildford Grove team for arranging such a feast of professional development!
These values are important to us. We are built on values. So much of life sometimes causes us to question the role of values in our modern life, yet at Learning Partners we are built on values. Our recent trust video encapsulates this perfectly. The schools and the team have produced a fabulous snippet of film which makes us all proud. To view the film, please click on the image on the right of a pupil from Shalford Infants just about to perform an amazing cartwheel!
Anyone in education will tell you of the importance of values. Of role modelling to young people the things that matter in this world. We equip our children with the skills and knowledge to thrive in this modern world, but it is founded in values. A central value is our belief that we are better together
Jack Mayhew, CEO, Learning Partners