

Welcome back to all of our school communities. We hope you had a fantastic summer, are feeling energised and ready to make a real difference. Have a great 2024-2025.


Smiling faces and bright futures for students across the five secondary schools in Learning Partners Academy Trust. We are delighted to share the trust-wide collective set of results below more


A huge congratulations to our GCSE students! You've all done yourselves proud. Congratulations on all you've accomplished We are honored to have been part of your journey. Well done! We are proud of YOU!— Guildford County Sch () August 22, 2024


Many congratulations to all of our GCSE students who have received their results today. We are very proud of you and wish you all the very best in your next exciting steps. Keep up the good work and go for it!


🎉 George Abbot celebrates GCSE Results 🎉— George Abbot School () August 22, 2024


Wishing all of our GCSE students the best of luck tomorrow. We are proud of you.⭐️⭐️


We look forward to welcoming our GCSE students tomorrow Thursday, 22nd August, at 9 AM for Results Day! Results will be distributed on the MUGA. Please enter through the lower gate by the staff car park. We are incredibly proud of your hard work and achievements.— Guildford County Sch () August 21, 2024


☺️— George Abbot School () August 15, 2024


☺️— George Abbot School () August 15, 2024


Congratulations to all. We are delighted for you! 👏


Congratulations to all. We are delighted for you. 👏


Scenes of celebration at our schools this morning. A testament to the hard work and resilience of students and the unwavering support of teachers, parents, and the wider community.The trust is delighted to share the collective set of results ...


Congratulations to all our A-level students receiving their results today! Be proud of everything you've accomplished—we're certainly proud of YOU! As you embark on this exciting new journey, we can't wait to hear about all the amazing adventures ahead. Well done!— Guildford County Sch () August 15, 2024


Congratulations to all our students who received their A-Level and BTEC results today. You should be immensely proud of yourselves! We hope you now get a chance to enjoy the rest of the summer before moving on to exciting new beginnings. We are so proud of you!


Congratulations to all our A-level students receiving their results today! Be proud of everything you've accomplished—we're certainly proud of YOU! As you embark on this exciting new journey, we can't wait to hear about all the amazing adventures ahead. Well done!— Guildford County Sch () August 15, 2024


🎉 George Abbot celebrates A Level and BTEC Results 🎉— George Abbot School () August 15, 2024


The Latest News

The spirit of the Olympics

21st June 2024

As we approach the end of another school term, I want to take a
moment to reflect on the dedication and hard work each of you
has demonstrated throughout the year. Your commitment to
educating and inspiring our students is truly the foundation of their

This year, as we prepare for the summer and look forward to the
Olympic Games, I am reminded of the many parallels between the
work we do and the spirit of the Olympics.

Striving for Excellence

Just as Olympians dedicate years developing their skills and
striving for excellence, you have continually sought to provide the
best education possible. Your innovative lessons, creative
approaches, and unwavering support have helped our students
reach new heights.

Teamwork and Collaboration

The Olympics showcase the power of teamwork, whether in relay
races or synchronised events. Similarly, our achievements this
year have been a collective effort. By working together, sharing
resources, and supporting one another, we have created a
nurturing environment where both students and our colleagues
can thrive.

Perseverance and Resilience

Every athlete faces challenges and setbacks on their journey to
the Olympics, and I am sure that at various points during the year
events have tested our resilience. Despite these challenges, you
have shown remarkable perseverance, adapting to new teaching
methods and overcoming obstacles to ensure our students
continue to learn and grow.

Inspiring the Next Generation

Olympians inspire us with their stories of determination and
triumph. As educators, you inspire our students every day, helping
them discover their potential and encouraging them to pursue
their dreams. Your influence extends far beyond the classroom,
shaping the future leaders, thinkers, and innovators of our world.

Looking Ahead

As we look forward to the summer break and the upcoming
Olympics, let us carry forward the values of excellence, teamwork,
and resilience. Take pride in the positive impact you have made
this term. Your hard work, dedication, and passion are what make
our school a place where students can achieve their best.

Thank you for all that you do. Enjoy a well-deserved break when it
arrives, and let’s return refreshed and ready to continue our
important work, inspired by the Olympic spirit.


Latest Tweets

  • September 2, 2024 Welcome back to all of our school communities. We hope you had a fantastic summer, are feeling energised and ready to make a real difference. Have a great 2024-2025.
  • August 22, 2024 Smiling faces and bright futures for students across the five secondary schools in Learning Partners Academy Trust. We are delighted to share the trust-wide collective set of results below more Read more
  • August 22, 2024 Many congratulations to all of our GCSE students who have received their results today. We are very proud of you and wish you all the very best in your next exciting steps. Keep up the good work and go for it!
  • August 21, 2024 Wishing all of our GCSE students the best of luck tomorrow. We are proud of you.⭐️⭐️
  • August 15, 2024 Congratulations to all. We are delighted for you! 👏
  • August 15, 2024 Congratulations to all. We are delighted for you. 👏
  • August 15, 2024 Scenes of celebration at our schools this morning. A testament to the hard work and resilience of students and the unwavering support of teachers, parents, and the wider community.The trust is delighted to share the collective set of results ... Read more
  • August 15, 2024 Congratulations to all our students who received their A-Level and BTEC results today. You should be immensely proud of yourselves! We hope you now get a chance to enjoy the rest of the summer before moving on to exciting new beginnings. We are so proud of you!
  • August 14, 2024 We will be thinking of our students collecting their results tomorrow. We've been there and know that feeling😨- but no matter what, these last two years have provided you with lots of ammunition for an exciting journey ahead.
  • July 29, 2024 Have a look at out parent/carer newsletter published at the end of term. A great way to catch up on our news and to celebrate just some of the great things that have happened across the trust this year. Read more
  • July 19, 2024 And that's a wrap for another year! We hope everyone has the opportunity to enjoy special summer moments with friends and family.
  • July 17, 2024 Have a listen to our CEO's end of year message - it's been a busy one! Read more via