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Is it summer?
9th June 2023
The summer term in schools is a wonderful time, but I think its definition needs some work!
All terms in education have a distinct character and meaning. The summer term is no different. However, I think the summer term, and indeed the last half term of the school year, often gives off mixed messages.
It is true that the pressures of SATs and exams slowly wane. Perhaps providing space for a more varied curriculum or indeed the lesser spotted ‘gain-time’ in secondary schools. The weather improves. Shirt sleeves become the order of the day. Shorts and summer dresses seem sensible… even to staff. Residentials and school trips abound. Ideas that previously in the school year might seem absurd are now encouraged. Notions such as ferries to the Isle of Wight, camping with large groups of children under canvas, sports days and work experience all offer not only pleasant distraction, but are actively encouraged. These represent a core part of the enrichment and balanced holistic curriculum we all believe in at Learning Partners.
However, I am also aware that schools never stand still. Plans are afoot for the coming year. Year group partners are being assigned, new colleagues appointed and inducted, schemes of work, exam board choices, budgets finalised, premises work planned and commissioned, rooms are swapped, offices relocated – the cycle of school change spins.
As a trust we welcome change. As the old adage says; ‘change is the only constant’. Let us not run away from change or fear it – but expect it as always present in our lives and work. Humans, sometimes, are not good with change. We fear it as an unknown and something we cannot control. Having had a full career in education, I suffer more than most from trying to restrict and predict change… we all love a timetable. This can lead us to become concerned about change, when we know change is a regular feature of our lives.
This summer let’s give change a chance. New starts or roles, schools or curriculums, let us see these as opportunities. Let us think about how we can embrace the opportunities before us, rather than possibly the concerns that haven’t materialised. We are delighted that our organisation is changing and growing. New schools and colleagues are joining us and we remain united by our call to be ‘leading schools where children thrive’. Education is a journey, and a rich education travels far and wide. Let’s enjoy the ride.
The summer term in schools is a wonderful time, but I think its definition needs some work!
All terms in education have a distinct character and meaning. The summer term is no different. However, I think the summer term, and indeed the last half term of the school year, often gives off mixed messages.
It is true that the pressures of SATs and exams slowly wane. Perhaps providing space for a more varied curriculum or indeed the lesser spotted ‘gain-time’ in secondary schools. The weather improves. Shirt sleeves become the order of the day. Shorts and summer dresses seem sensible… even to staff. Residentials and school trips abound. Ideas that previously in the school year might seem absurd are now encouraged. Notions such as ferries to the Isle of Wight, camping with large groups of children under canvas, sports days and work experience all offer not only pleasant distraction, but are actively encouraged. These represent a core part of the enrichment and balanced holistic curriculum we all believe in at Learning Partners.
However, I am also aware that schools never stand still. Plans are afoot for the coming year. Year group partners are being assigned, new colleagues appointed and inducted, schemes of work, exam board choices, budgets finalised, premises work planned and commissioned, rooms are swapped, offices relocated – the cycle of school change spins.
As a trust we welcome change. As the old adage says; ‘change is the only constant’. Let us not run away from change or fear it – but expect it as always present in our lives and work. Humans, sometimes, are not good with change. We fear it as an unknown and something we cannot control. Having had a full career in education, I suffer more than most from trying to restrict and predict change… we all love a timetable. This can lead us to become concerned about change, when we know change is a regular feature of our lives.
This summer let’s give change a chance. New starts or roles, schools or curriculums, let us see these as opportunities. Let us think about how we can embrace the opportunities before us, rather than possibly the concerns that haven’t materialised. We are delighted that our organisation is changing and growing. New schools and colleagues are joining us and we remain united by our call to be ‘leading schools where children thrive’. Education is a journey, and a rich education travels far and wide. Let’s enjoy the ride.